
Author Archives: sergio

How to Enforce a Worldwide Freezing Order in Spain

What is a Worldwide Freezing Order? A Worldwide Freezing Order (also known as a WFO) is a precautionary measure allowing the freezing of assets and prohibiting their disposal while a civil or commercial dispute is resolved. This legal tool, commonly used in international conflicts, aims to prevent the defendant from disposing of their assets, thus […]

The indirect transfer of shares subject to accessory services.

La transmisión indirecta de participaciones sujetas a prestaciones accesorias.

The voluntary transfer by inter vivos acts of shares with ancillary services will require, in accordance with art. 88.1 LSC, the prior authorisation of the company, a requirement that is justified by the company’s interest in the correct fulfilment of these ancillary services, given their inherent link to the development of the company’s corporate purpose. […]

Intimidation in negotiation: when is it criminally relevant?

intimidación penal

On 11 March, in STS 235/2024, the Supreme Court ruled on the concept of intimidation as a result of the well-known “Ausbanc case“, stating that not all pressures that arise in negotiations reach the level of intimidation necessary to constitute the crime of extortion, as defined in article 243 of the Penal Code. Legal definition […]

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