Advice and representation in arbitration

Prominent arbitration cases

Ayuela Jiménez

Arbitration before the Spanish Arbitration Court

Arbitration in which we acted as the sole arbitrator for one of our partners in a contractual dispute between a listed company and a publicly-owned company.

Arbitration before the CIAM

We represented the claimant entity and defended it against the counterclaim presented by the opposing party in a litigation concerning post-contractual competition.

Ayuela Jiménez

Arbitration before the ICC Court

We represented the claimant entity and defended it against the counterclaim presented by the opposing party in a litigation concerning a contractual dispute related to the photovoltaic sector.

Arbitration before the International Chamber of Commerce

We represented the defendant entity and filed a counterclaim regarding the delivery of photovoltaic material, addressing a contractual dispute concerning rebus sic stantibus and defects in consent.


Discover all the latest news with our most recent publications.

Success of the conference “For a Culture of Arbitration at the COIIM”.

We are pleased to share with you the success of the conference “For a Culture [...]

Notice of Termination of a Foreign Domiciled Administrator and Certifying Authority

Article 111 of the Companies Register Regulations provides that the certification of the resolution appointing [...]

TSJM annuls award for breach of public order

The Chamber has concluded that there has been a violation of public policy in its [...]

New features of RDL 2/2024 on labour and social protection (Part I)

Prevalence of the Autonomous Community Collective Bargaining Agreement: Keys to Royal Decree-Law 2/2024 Article 1 [...]

Deductibility of capital losses in donations: Judgment of the SC 2024

The Supreme Court, in its ruling of 12 April 2024 (appeal 8830/2022), reaffirms the current [...]

Limits on directors’ remuneration in the Articles of Association

The Directorate General for Legal Certainty and Public Trust has expressed its opinion in its [...]

What’s new global minimum tax

New global minimum tax: the Congress of Deputies is entrusted with the approval of the [...]

Ayuela Jiménez, winners of the Best Boutique of the Year award at the Expansión Jurídico 2024 Awards

At Ayuela Jiménez we are enormously pleased and proud to have been awarded in the [...]


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Frequently Asked Questions

The arbitration process involves the submission of claims by the involved parties, followed by an exchange of relevant documents and evidence, hearings with arguments and evidence, the submission of final pleadings, and the issuance of the arbitral award.

The arbitral award is legally binding and enforceable, so if a party does not voluntarily comply with the arbitral award, the prevailing party may initiate legal proceedings to enforce the award.

Ad hoc arbitration is conducted without the supervision of an arbitration institution, whereas in institutional arbitration, we have an administrative institution that oversees and administers the process according to established rules and procedures.