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To what extent can there be criminally relevant intimidation in negotiation contexts?

The Supreme Court of the Kingdom of Spain last March 11, in STS 235/2024, on [...]

Ayuela Jiménez in the ranking of Expansión Jurídico

The prestigious ranking of Expansión Jurídico has recognised the performance of our firm, placing us [...]

Nuevos reconocimientos obtenidos de Chambers & Partners en 2024

At Ayuela Jiménez we are congratulating ourselves for the new recognitions obtained from Chambers & [...]

Potential sovereignty conflicts in international corruption offences

Since 2015, following the amendment of the Criminal Code by LO 1/2015, of 30 March, [...]

Ayuela Jiménez at the New Members Drink’s Reception held by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the UK.

Eduardo Ayuela and Joaquín Jiménez have been in London from the 12th to the 14th [...]

Interview with Pablo Torán Umbert in the RNE programme “En la cresta de la onda”.

On Thursday 25th January, the interview that the programme director of “En la cresta de [...]

Ana Jorge joins Ayuela Jiménez as head of the prosecutor’s office

Expansión Jurídico echoes the news about the new incorporation of Ana Jorge to Ayuela Jiménez. [...]

The Madrid High Court of Justice sets aside two arbitral awards on the grounds that their lack of reasoning is contrary to public policy.

Despite the recent constitutional caselaw, the Madrid High Court of Justice has recently ruled in [...]

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